Breast augmentation is a very popular procedure and is often brought to mind when people bring up plastic surgery. However, another procedure that many people don’t often think about is breast reduction.

Having disproportionately large breasts comes with a lot of medical issues, like neck pain, poor posture, back pain, shoulder pain, and rashes beneath the breasts. A breast reduction can address these issues to improve quality of life. Most of the women who undergo breast reduction have reported being very satisfied with their results.

Before the Surgery

Before you can schedule a date for your surgery, you will need to schedule a breast-reduction consultation with Dr. Felice. Dr. Felice will ask you many questions about your medical history, your aesthetic goals, and any medications you are currently taking.

During your consultation, you must be open and honest about why you want a breast reduction, as this will help Dr. Felice recommend the course of action best suited for you.

Dr. Felice will take photos of your breasts and measure them. He will also talk to you about how much breast tissue will have to be removed to achieve your goal.

The doctor will ask about your lifestyle habits and might advise you to quit smoking for some time before and after the surgery. This is necessary to make sure your body heals properly.

Preparing for Surgery

Before you set out for the breast-reduction surgery, prepare your home for your recovery. Make sure you have plenty of the following:

• Loose and comfortable tops
• Ice packs
• Clean washcloths and towels
• Gauze
• Ointments and creams for your incision sites as recommended

Ask a friend or family member to drive you home from the place where you’re having the procedure and ask them to stay overnight at your home during the first night of your recovery.

The Surgery

You will be put under general anesthesia for the surgery. It usually takes about two to five hours, although cases have been observed to go on for longer.

During the surgery, Dr. Felice makes an incision to access the underlying tissues. Many incision options are available. One of the most common, the lollipop incision, involves an incision around the areola and then another one stretching downwards to meet the breast crease.

After the incisions are made, Dr. Felice removes extra skin, glandular tissue, and fat from your breasts as required. He then stitches up the breasts to end the procedure and wraps the breasts in a special gauze.

Recovery from the Surgery

You may need to spend a night in the hospital after your procedure. After this, you will be able to return home to recover and rest. You may need to wear a surgical bra during your recovery in order to ensure that the breast tissues are supported.

Taking a week off from school or work is mandatory after the surgery. Some people require more time, however, and the amount of time needed by you will be told to you by your surgeon.

You’ll need to refrain from strenuous physical activities for at least a month after the surgery. In addition, you might feel tired and have some breast pain. This is perfectly normal and shouldn’t be a cause for concern.

Take the Next Step

If you have been suffering from physical issues because of large breasts, then it may be time to schedule an appointment for a consultation with Dr. Patrick Felice. Dr. Felice, a skilled board-certified plastic surgeon, will be able to paint a clearer picture for you about what to expect and what not to expect.